Commercial Law, Labour Law, M&A, Civil Law

Economic Mediation and Arbitration, Court Proceedings, Legal Representation, Debt Collection

Restructuring, Bankruptcy, Compensation, Medical devices

Construction Law, Real Estate, Administrative and court-administrative proceedings

Competition protection, Personal rights of the entrepreneur, Protection of Personal Data

Accounting Outsourcing, Accounting Consulting and Corporate Services, HR and Payroll Outsourcing, Audit

Tax consultancy, Transfer pricing, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Training - VAT, PIT and CIT as well as other legal and tax

Legal and financial and economic translations

Prawo Handlowe, Prawo Pracy, M&A, Prawo cywilne

Mediacja Gospodarcza i Arbitraż, Postępowania sądowe, Zastępstwo procesowe, Windykacja

Restrukturyzacja, Upadłość, Odszkodowania, Wyroby medyczne

Prawo Budowlane, Nieruchomości, Postępowanie administracyjne oraz sądowo administracyjne

Ochrona Konkurencji, Dobra osobiste przedsiębiorcy, Ochrona Danych Osobowych

Outsourcing księgowy, Doradztwo Księgowe i Corporate Services, Outsourcing kadrowo-płacowy, Audyt

Doradztwo podatkowe, Ceny transferowe, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Szkolenia - VAT, PIT i CIT oraz inne prawno-podatkowe

Tłumaczenia prawnicze i finansowo-gospodarcze

Personnel outsourcing

Not only in the area of finance and accounting, does the noticeable instability of legal regulations make it difficult for enterprises to focus on their core activities. A similar situation takes place in the field of human resources and payroll, where some legislative novelties appear almost every day.

The solution to this situation may be the outsourcing of HR and payroll processes. Delegating these tasks to CNKP specialists can be an effective tool, thanks to which this area will be properly addressed.

We offer our clients the following services in this field:

  • keeping personal files of employees,
  • calculation of employee remuneration in accordance with Polish law,
  • calculation of overheads on remuneration (social security contributions and income tax),
  • payroll calculation for non-residents,
  • preparation of ZUS declarations,
  • preparation of tax returns (PIT),
  • support in contacts with tax authorities and the Social Insurance Institution,
  • handling of remuneration transfers,
  • preparation of management information regarding payroll data,
  • consultations on payroll and labour law issues,
  • support in employee recruitment processes.

Marcin Kowalski