Commercial Law, Labour Law, M&A, Civil Law

Economic Mediation and Arbitration, Court Proceedings, Legal Representation, Debt Collection

Restructuring, Bankruptcy, Compensation, Medical devices

Construction Law, Real Estate, Administrative and court-administrative proceedings

Competition protection, Personal rights of the entrepreneur, Protection of Personal Data

Accounting Outsourcing, Accounting Consulting and Corporate Services, HR and Payroll Outsourcing, Audit

Tax consultancy, Transfer pricing, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Training - VAT, PIT and CIT as well as other legal and tax

Legal and financial and economic translations

Prawo Handlowe, Prawo Pracy, M&A, Prawo cywilne

Mediacja Gospodarcza i Arbitraż, Postępowania sądowe, Zastępstwo procesowe, Windykacja

Restrukturyzacja, Upadłość, Odszkodowania, Wyroby medyczne

Prawo Budowlane, Nieruchomości, Postępowanie administracyjne oraz sądowo administracyjne

Ochrona Konkurencji, Dobra osobiste przedsiębiorcy, Ochrona Danych Osobowych

Outsourcing księgowy, Doradztwo Księgowe i Corporate Services, Outsourcing kadrowo-płacowy, Audyt

Doradztwo podatkowe, Ceny transferowe, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Szkolenia - VAT, PIT i CIT oraz inne prawno-podatkowe

Tłumaczenia prawnicze i finansowo-gospodarcze

Marcin Kowalski

Tax advisor | Partner
Marcin Kowalski - doradca podatkowy, partner CNKP


Tax advisor, lawyer, graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), where he obtained the title of Master of German and Polish Law (LL.M.) and the title confirming the completion of legal studies in Germany - Magister Legum (LL.M.).

For several years associated with an international law firm operating in over 80 countries, and then with an international consulting company belonging to the so-called The Big Four, in which he provided broadly understood legal and tax advice. He is also no stranger to the specifics of work in the tax administration and administrative judiciary, where he started his professional career.

He deals with broadly understood legal and tax consultancy for companies operating globally, including in the area of international tax law covering various types of cross-border transactions. He specializes in income taxes, value added tax and other public-law burdens, such as real estate tax or tax on civil law transactions. 

He represents clients before tax authorities, knows the legal and tax conditions of operations in Special Economic Zones.

Experienced lecturer.
He speaks German and English.

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